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Everything posted by yoe06

  1. Ok
  2. for domain problems for me there is no problem the important thing is my account is back, can I install WordPress again on my account?
  3. I did install the settings for Microsoft Outlook but it always failed so I no longer continue
  4. once again thanks a lot for the help
  5. i never send email using my own domain i created an email account with my domain for me to switch to gmail
  6. I have created a new account with yoefie, hopefully nothing like yesterday will happen again
  7. if that's possible, that's fine, because the yoe2006 and yoefie accounts can no longer access there
  8. thank you very much for the help
  9. How throght it?
  10. I never didn't send spam email
  11. What is wrong
  12. I cant login to my account because old password is wrong My main domain is yoe06.heliohost.us Email: -redacted for privacy- User name yoe06
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