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  1. Thanks a lot
  2. I've checked IP. Please assign IP to my VPS
  3. No, I don't want my old IP. May I know what other subnets you have?
  4. Hello again. The assigned IP is blocked in my region. Only those subnet work in my region. Please change the assigned IP to an IP from subnet.
  5. Thanks a lot
  6. You don't need to introduce yourself. I just want my server ready
  7. Hey, Are you here? Please help me!!!
  8. Is there any news? I need your help urgently.
  9. Hello, I've paid the invoice. Please get ready my server and change the IP quickly.
  10. This is a very long time. I need your help urgently!
  11. Is there any news?
  12. Oh yes, it was blocked by our ISP. Is it possible to change the VPS IP or to buy a additianol IP? Thanks
  13. Ok. Please send me a link so I can pay
  14. Hello, I did not receive any invoice for my monthly payment and finally my server is not working. Please help me to pay urgently. Server IP address is
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