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  1. I waited a few days, but I see no change at all. I see people are working hard on it, though. To djbob: I haven't had any problems except I would like the full 250MB available to me. Thanks djbob and Geoff
  2. The directory and the problem are unchanged. Did something go wrong?
  3. Awesome, Thanks Geoff!
  4. On the cPanel disk usage viewer, the numbers below the graph only showed the home directory and its subdirectories. I attached a screenshot. I have no idea what that directory might be. I remember sending a few test emails when I first signed up with HelioHost, but I haven't used it since. Maybe that directory has nothing important in it. It seemed to show up when there was a big move to a different server. I'd like to delete it, if possible. Thanks Everybody
  5. username: grospied server: stevie
  6. I don't see any core files. The cPanel disk usage utility looks like this: Is there anything I can do to fix it?
  7. Yes, I tried that tool, and it says the extra 60MB is in 'other'. I ran that php script (after changing the extension to .php) by uploading it to my public_html folder and navigating to it from the web. It didn't find any core files. I don't think it searched anywhere outside of public_html and its subdirectories. Is there a different way I should be running it?
  8. I have had this problem for a long time, I thought it would sort itself out on its own. The size of all my files on my site is about 40MB, but the two places that show disk usage say it is over 100MB. I don't do anything fancy with my site, not even email, so I don't think it could be a "core" dump. Thanks.
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