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  1. I'm going to try doing this in a Cron Job, i'll let you know how it goes. --UPDATE-- I set the code as a cron job, but realised it was the wrong code so edited it, but then when the job ran it still ran with the old code (and failed)... I went to remove the cron job so it wouldnt run again, but it did not appear in my list.. do they get deleted once they run? Cheers.
  2. Hi, I can do all the set up stuff, but when it comes to having to run 'rake generate_session_store', i'm lost. I've looked at another forum on HelioNet, where the user mentions running these lines through a cgi script, but i can't work out how to do it. Do i need to do anything to enable this sort of cgi script to run? I've been googling it all for a while now and have come up with nothing.. Any assistance would be great. Thanks
  3. Hi, I was hoping you guys could help me out with installing redmine. I would be able to do it myself but it requires shell access. Its a pretty simple process, available at http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/RedmineInstall Otherwise if there is a way to run the commands found on that page without needing SSH then im all ears! i have looked on google, looked through the forums and can't seem to find a workaround, but im not very experienced in the various script types. Thanks!
  4. wow, thanks guys! i just meant sorry for posting in the wrong forum. i didnt realise the page kept going, i thought there was only those 4 topics (im using a netbook so i can only see the top part of web pages). We're doing our final year CS project and its taken me ages to find a good Project Management system that doesnt have odd requirements, although i think ruby, ruby on rails and ruby rack is odd enough! Like Project.Net requires an Oracle server.. no one hosts those, at least not for free! Again, thanks a lot, this is a huge help.. now i just have to wait till my account is activated! Oh, and i cant find on this page what version of Gem is installed, the page just says it is installed. Thanks again. EDIT: disregard, found somewhere you are using version 2.7 of Gem. Cheers
  5. Hi, i would like to install Redmine on my domain, and on this page http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/RedmineInstall (install requirements) it specifies a Ruby Rack version (for some versions of Redmine at least). I was just wondering, is Ruby Rack installed, and if so, what version is it? If not, are you guys looking at installing it or able to install it? And what version of Ruby Gems is installed? Thanks
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