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Posts posted by Maxdamantus

  1. It is their choice to be gay.

    It is someone else's choice to be straight.


    You can not force an opinion upon someone (with a few exceptions).

    Just because someone thinks one thing, doesn't mean that it is the wrong/right way.

  2. Actually.. I didn't find it taking too long to compile. Only about 40 minutes on a 2.4GHz P4.. Do other distribs take longer? Also, as I said before, it wasn't hard to install.. Just click the Install from Terminal on LiveCD (Couldn't get GUI installer working), pick a few options, and go.

  3. But to get Gentoo running, all you need to do is boot up the LiveCD, and run the installer, where you choose a few options, and programs to pre-install, and it will do what it's meant to do..


    Then, boot it up from where you installed it, and it includes Portage, which automatically installs most programs for you. For example, you can install Firefox by simply going:

    emerge -av firefox

    And it will ask you if you want to download the specific amount, and if you choose yes, it will download it, then compile it for you, as you sit back, and continue doing what you were doing. Gentoo is the first distro I have properly installed to Hard Disk, and it's easy to use and understand.

  4. Also, when I was organising my music on my PSP using a Mac (was at my Mum's friend's house), it would crash if I tried moving/copying over 30MB of files.. Not very stable. And the owner only knew one thing about it.. It had a 150GB Hard Drive.

  5. I use DOSBox on Linux, so I can play the old classic games, such as Jazz Jackrabbit, Prince of Persia, and the Hugo games. :P


    And the command prompt on Windows XP isn't DOS.. It's a command prompt. That's what Windows would be if it had no GUI. You can run DOS text based apps there though, aswell as Windows XP text based apps. You can also run DOS non-text based apps by right clicking on the file, properties, then compatability, changing it to run using the DOS kernel. DOS was the kernel that Windows 95 and (I think) 98 used.

  6. In my opinion, iPods are over rated, and too expensive.. You can get a better deal for you money. I'd rather get an iRiver, or Gigabeat than an iPod, as they are cheaper, with larger amounts of capacity. I hear people saying their iPod randomly died, or they dropped it and it cracked all the time.. Plus, you need specific software, to rip the music on it, rather than just having some USB drive, such as a FAT32, which you can mount and have access to the HDD.

  7. Interesting site.. "Open Source Car"..


    Lol, Microsoft is paranoid, you need a bunch of stuff, and a specific kernel on your 360 to get Linux running on it.. PS3 has a "Install Other OS" option under the system menu.. I've even managed to get Linux running on my PSP (No X server, so useless without a keyboard).

  8. I think he means one picture gradiating into another picture in one frame, like gradient colours, but with images.


    I have an idea..

    Try making a square, which is gradient. On the left, it has white (#FFFFFF) at 100% transparency. On the right, it has white with 0% transparency.

    Turn this shape into a mask over another image, and you should have one image fading into transparency.

    Then put another image underneath it.


    Theoretically, this should work. Havn't tried it though, just thought it up.

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