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  1. Can you please install Flask-MySQLdb, so i use in place since an having issues with this
  2. yes i do thanks for the quick response, i was able to solve that now but i can seem to connect to sqlite my app is url /home/momoh/public_html/app this is what i tried import sysimport sqlite3from flask import Flask,url_for,render_template,redirect,request,jsonify,flash,session,get_flashed_messages,make_responseapp = Flask(__name__)application = app #Index page @app.route("/",methods=["POST","GET"]) def index(): conn=sqlite3.connect("fmuzic.db") c=conn.cursor() data=c.execute("select rowid,* from music") return render_template("index.html",data=data) if __name__ == "__main__": app.run()
  3. I will really need that nothing seem to be working
  4. Hi, I need help here with my server i cant seem to get the render_template functionality working properly, I followed the instructions by kyros on how to host flask app on heliohost and i will love if mutagen was installed
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