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Posts posted by TechTroll

  1. Well its true if Microsoft becomes a monopoly, which it pretty much is, it will force its code languages upon us, forcing us to use them or other outdated software systems.

    EX: Microsoft doesn't like a particular coding language that is used by most alternative OS/software, so it makes it incompatible with its OS/software, therefore the majority of the world no longer supports it either. So Microsoft does't have to go with the best, just what makes it more money.

    They already do it. .NET against Sun's Java.


    Microsoft does not focus on conformity because conformity is a threat to their market share. People are afraid that other browsers do not render HTML correctly, etc.


    None of the web browsers: IE, Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape (still out there...), Opera, etc. Render/support HTML "properly." The fact is that each browser handles html and corresponding technologies such as javascript, vbcript, cascading styles, etc a bit different and none of them are 100% true to the published standards.


    A webpage/website generally appears better in one browser vs. another simply because someone used the technologies in such a way that the browsers happen to interpret them somewhat different. If all web designers were to follow the published, public standards then most webpages would looks about the same in most web browsers.


    Firefox seems to come a bit closer to following the standards but so many people have tied themselves to the Microsoft wagon that it often seems that IE is the defacto standard.

  2. How good are the routers firewalls?

    The firewall in the typical SOHO (Small Office Home Office) router is limited but adequate. The average home user doesn't need much more than what the router provides to protect the home network.


    A software firewall on the workstation in addition to the routers firewall is simply another layer of protection. Windows XP's firewall that comes in XP Service Pack 2 is also adequate but if you believe that this is causing your performance issues then disable it and try either ZoneAlarm or Comodo Firewall. Both of which have free versions.


    AVG provides a free antivirus product that is also helpful but the best solution is probably to run antivirus, personal firewall and some kind of spyware protection such as WinPatrol, and/or Spybot.

  3. It is entirely possible that it is the power supply. Just because the individual devices seem to have power does not mean that adequate voltage is being delivered to the motherboard and the CPU. I would suggest replacing the powersupply.

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