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Everything posted by slcrazydiamond

  1. if you use for example filezilla ftp client you can force it to show hidden files. With that you should be able to.
  2. Ok I just got an email that there was an error with the installation and that i should signup again.....Which i can't due to the signup being disabled. Is there any other way to try again at this point? Thanks
  3. I think he ment that you need to try that self
  4. Thanks all, just shows this is a very popular service
  5. I've never gotten the queued page either, will see tomorrow though...then will be at the 96 hours for me i think Else will just retry after that if needed
  6. I have the same with slcrazydiamond.heliohost.org (user slcrazyd). But I'm assuming its due to a backlog and we simply need to wait another 24 hours.
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