Jordan Shaw
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Free .co.uk domains for you website.
Jordan Shaw replied to Jordan Shaw's topic in Technology and the Internet
Guys, things have changed a little with GBBO. What they have done now is linked with Yola for the website build and all that is different is that you just need to follow the onscreen instructions. What you need now is a bank card for verification but you will still get a free domain. It will only be for a year, though! I'll try and update this thread as soon as I have some time! -
Free .co.uk domains for you website.
Jordan Shaw replied to Jordan Shaw's topic in Technology and the Internet
No problems. I'm glad I could help! (: -
Free .co.uk domains for you website.
Jordan Shaw replied to Jordan Shaw's topic in Technology and the Internet
Yes, HelioHost and it's parked, sub domains etc land in the queued section until it's accepted. It should only take a few days for it to appear, at most. If the problem persists after 2 days and it still shows as in the queue, open a support topic and the HelioHost administrator's will be able to further help you! -
Free .co.uk domains for you website.
Jordan Shaw replied to Jordan Shaw's topic in Technology and the Internet
Hello James, Choose "Change the nameservers" and in the "Please provide...." part, Just say something like like "Can you please change the nameservers too ns1.heliohost.org & ns2.heliohost.org please. - James" just so they know what nameservers to change them too. The ISP tag should be unavailable on this selection, also. Hope this helped, Jordan. -
Who got the begining of the world right?
Jordan Shaw replied to Ch33se H4ck3r's topic in Philosophy, Politics, and Science
I agree that religion is a stupid part of life and is not needed as it tells people that everyone is made in GOD's image, which a fair amount of the criminals are either thieves, murderers, rapists etc so people who are like you and believe in GOD, it would affect to know this but I don't actually believe in any of it. Religion, GOD, nothing. Religion teaches right and wrong but no-one has had a connection with GOD, so they don't know how it all happened. They just interprate what the old bible's have said so that shouldn't exist and the reason I don't believe in GOD is the fact that we have all of these crimes and such but the character described as GOD is all pure, and has done absolutely nothing to stop this. People believe SATAN controls these people because it says GOD said it in the bible, but if there was a GOD, do you not think that either he would have ended all of this the second it started, (War and crime etc) therefore relieving everyone of the belief or non-belief. It all seems fake to me but that is just me. I do see what you're saying though. If GOD was proven to exist then he wouldn't despise aJew over an Englishman, American, German man etc because that is discrimination and if he is real, then he wouldn't let one person in who is "perfect" and send someone else to hell because of who they are. It is said that GOD is in everyone, which means we're all somewhat GOD meaning he cannot love nor hate a select few, he must love all. -- Addition, the only reason I do not believe in GOD is because of the lack of proof which is given. Until I can actually send off a prayer and physically see this man and maybe have a picture taken with him for Facebook or something then I continue to support my way of life. I do not judge anyone because they believe or not, just whether they're criminalised so if they commit an offence such as murder, rape etc.. People who commit such crimes I do not really like so I really do accept how people perceive GOD. It's like me hating Belieber's because they love Justin Bieber.. "Don't judge a book by it's cover" < I go on that quote. -
Who got the begining of the world right?
Jordan Shaw replied to Ch33se H4ck3r's topic in Philosophy, Politics, and Science
If you mean to say that it's more GOD side of things "because rocks cannot evolve" then that's bull because the whole religion aspect of life is false and wrong. The Bible tells more lies than most things so I don't agree that religion is to do with the beginning of life. I do agree, however that yes, rocks are unable to evolve so it must have been some sort of parasite but as I've stated in my post, I don't have a clue what it could be because of the size of the explosion. The only thing you can trust is what you've been brought up to believe. If you believe it was science, then you have the right to blame all of your mistakes on them, who also have to take full blame when the truth finally comes out. If they can prove everything is to do with GOD then I shall believe it but according to the Bible, he is a lieing sex hound.. -
Who got the begining of the world right?
Jordan Shaw replied to Ch33se H4ck3r's topic in Philosophy, Politics, and Science
Religion 1) Well, this first bit is way off topic but in the bible it actually states that Jesus tells, i think it's 7 people the way to get into heaven but they're all different. If that was truley the case, then jesus would have told them all the same way of getting into heaven which, nowadays is said to be through death. 2) You are born, bring more people into the world, grow old and if GOD allows it, you will "pass through" into heaven but if now then you go to "hell". We are all meant to be GOD's creations, made in his image.. So does that mean that GOD is a racist, lieing, stealing, murdering rapist, drug addicted baby fiddling, perverted, dead body shagging saint? I don't think that's how people say he is, but they're the type of things that happen in the world. But we're obviously made in his image so that makes him all of those things, and more. (usually said to be the devil whom is also GOD). 3) Basic science, who "created" GOD in the first place? 4) Why do we all fight, and do bad things if we're all made in GOD's image? Possession of SATAN or just a big fat hoax? 5) Why does GOD not remove the world of such crimes and let his creation, the biggest one ever be destroyed by such smaller creatures than him? The recession that is going on, it could all be fixed within seconds by GOD, but where is his holiness? Sleeping with another "bad-ass" creation of his? 6) Jesus is NOT Joseph's son! - GOD had Mary give birth to Jesus in a stable in Bethlehem, but there was not inclusion of GOD forced Joseph and Mary to have any sexual relations with her, but she suddenly goes into laybour. Even if they did have sex, then Jesus then isn't GOD's son, he would be Mary and Joseph's. Either way, it is lieing.. I could go on an on with reasons why you should not trust religion or the Bible but there really is no point any more. So as you can see, the Bible AND religion should not be trusted.. Science 1) Tests have been carried out, but really can test prove how we was created? 2) Looking into a telescope which is able to spot other galaxies CANNNOT allow you to see the past, but it does show some signs of "space rock" which may have been chipped off when the two HUGE rocks collided to make the Sun and the Earth. 3) Seeing another existing galaxy and assuming that's how the world must have looked with no life on ISN'T proof of anything. 4) We cannot even tell what the weather will be like, when "professionals" make the perfect conclusion to how the Earth looks defining the weather which is yet to come, but still make scientific guesses at what it is. - This is to say anything could have happened.. I could also go on with some more points about the science side of it, which also shows us that we cannot seem to trust science. Overall, religion should be marked off altogether as it's showing that some spotty weirdo is sat in his cave with Osama Bin-Laden making this crap up to show that GOD is real and such (Yes, this didn't actually happen or isn't happening by the way) but on the other hand, if we cannot predict what is going to happen in a matter of hours but can see billions of miles into space, how can we find out how we started. Here is what I think: We should go along with the theory of the Big Bang, which is a little to do with Science as they have said there was a huge explosion in the Milky-Way which created the sun, moon and various other things. (Harmful things and that would be why we're still getting all these dangerous gasses) and there was something, I have no idea what could survive a blast more powerful that 500,000,000 x a nuclear blast.. (Over exaggeration obviously but it was a really big one to create a new world). Evolution, in my mind takes on a big role because would that also bring in that GOD has scales, horns, is green, blue, red etc? If that's so, how did we come about through GOD? Yes, there are coloured people but you don't walk down the street and see a green, scaled, horny (NOT the sexual horny) man/woman. I do question one thing though, how the hell did Earth's core end up at the centre of a Spere, and last for these billions of years? Surely it would have burned out or something by now? It'd have either burned out OR burned the Earth to a crisp? (This is me not saying that I don't beleive in this part because I do as there has been people who can't go down that far because of the heat produced.. Just how has it not gone yet?) Do believe some of the Science just keep questioning how we started and how the core of the Earth managed to get into the middle of the Earth, when it was an explosion, surely fire cant go through solid rock?? -
Well, the title explains itself really. This is how to get a free .co.uk domain for 2 years, with a little renewal fee after them years are up. It's hosting many .co.uk domain names for the UK, and I use it for my .co.uk domain name. Let's get started: What You Will Need I know in the description that it says /"Live in the UK.." but what you need the UK part for is for the mobile number, here is all you will need for a quick .co.uk domain registration; - UK mobile number with the ability to send & receive sms messages (They will not accept another countries mobile number as they will just say it is not a vailid UK mobile number) - GMail account, which by the looks of things this could be good for you. UK residents. - A real UK street address. What's next? OK, now that you've verified you have these things, listen carefully! Have you ever seen them advertisements for "GBBO" anywhere on your travels over the internet? Well it states you could have your website in 20 minutes with a free, registered working .co.uk domain name. Well, this is true. You may believe it's false but I will provide you with a bit of the whois records from J-Shaw.co.uk, my personal website. So, head on over to www.gbbo.co.uk and up will pop a webpage, similar to the colours used in the advertisements. Then, there will be a box which you will need to fill in what domain name you would like to own. A screen will load up with your domain you entered at the top with many other domains with your keyword(s) inside E.G: if you chose example.co.uk (UK representative), then it would show as unavailable but there would be suggestions on there like myexample.co.uk, my-example.co.uk, ex-am-ple.co.uk etc. If you do not wish to have any of the domains, or all of them are unavailable then scroll to the top of that page and put in a new domain, Once you have your domain selected, the things you will need will be on there, click continue and a terms screen will pop-up. Press "I accept" and I recommend these settings: By Post/Telephone: No By email: Yes this way, you will not be getting phone calls from GBBO but they will send you occasional emails for the first couple of weeks with ways on improving your website. After that, you will need to fill in all information on this next screen; Categories * (Try searching for a category that best fits you website and what it will be used for. You can add as many as needed) Business name * (The name of your website EG: example.co.uk the name would be something like: The UK's example website) Postcode * (You housing postal address, and it will ask you to select a house number. Then all that other information will fill in automatically [They will show after you select your house number]) First name * (Your first name) Last name * (Your last name) Email address * (Any email address which you own so you get the emails you need) Phone * (Any number which is valid) Mobile Phone* (The mobile from the UK, usually the same as the above one) Google Maps* (Real UK business? Add yourself to Google Maps, free!) Seeling things* (Are you going to be an online shop/online version of a store?) Then continue. The UK mobile you provided should receive a text message, free with a code instide (You can tell it's from GBBO because the name of that number is called GBBO) and insert it into that box. This is where the GMail email account comes in, login with an existing account, or register a new one for registration purposes. Doesn't matter which one but once you're on, it'll ask you to grant access to GBBO.co.uk. Click "Grant access" to continue. It will then ask you to choose a website template. If you're moving your domain to your own host, E.G HelioHost, then any will do. Click continue and the next part is to breifly make your new webstie. The default is usually "Home" "Services" "About us" and "Contact us". Edit them to your standards, and preview it before saving. When you think it looks alright, click "Finished". A page will come up telling you what is currently being done on your website, adding your content etc. Once it's finished, you will receive a link to your Google Sites website, on that page when it's all finished. This is available until you delete it, and anytime from finishing the registration to straight after, your registered domain should work! If not, then wait a few minutes. Make sure you enter your domain with www. EG www.example.co.uk would lead to the website, but just example.co.uk wouldn't. You'd need to edit this further in the "manage site" area. You may transfer your domain to HelioHost or any other hosting website by acquiring the Namservers for the host. HelioHost's two nameservers are ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. You can request the change through http://gbbo.myportalexpress.com (Your account details will be sent to your email you used when selecting your website category etc). if you do not find it, make sure your check your inbox, spam or any other filtered emails you may have. If it's not in there, then go to http://gbbo.myportalexpress.com and click the forgot password link, and then type your domain in. (without www). You'll then get an email with a new password in, which you'll login to that website with. Please note: The username is not your domain name EG example for example.co.uk, it's your firstname|lastname|somenumbers. I hope this has helped. If you need any further help, email me on Jordan@J-Shaw.co.uk!
[Solved] Site not working properly.
Jordan Shaw replied to Jordan Shaw's topic in Escalated Requests
Ahh. Thank you for all of your help! It now looks to all be working, with index.html as my main web-page when visiting my website! You're a really great team of people, honestly! Kind regards, Jordan -
[Solved] Site not working properly.
Jordan Shaw replied to Jordan Shaw's topic in Escalated Requests
I've deleted the .htaccess file now. What next? -
[Solved] Site not working properly.
Jordan Shaw replied to Jordan Shaw's topic in Escalated Requests
I put that code into the index.php file and it doesn't show up as htaccess file, just as a page with that text on it. OK, I've got my htaccess file on my computer. This is what it is: What would I need to change? -
[Solved] Site not working properly.
Jordan Shaw replied to Jordan Shaw's topic in Escalated Requests
I think he ment that you need to try that self I can't remove it. I do not know where I can gain access to the file, to delete it. -
[Solved] Site not working properly.
Jordan Shaw replied to Jordan Shaw's topic in Escalated Requests
Has it been deleted? -
[Solved] Site not working properly.
Jordan Shaw replied to Jordan Shaw's topic in Escalated Requests
What do you mean, if what file is removed? The .htaccess file? -
[Solved] Site not working properly.
Jordan Shaw replied to Jordan Shaw's topic in Escalated Requests
I've not changed anything by hand, but it mist have been when i accidently deleted all of my files, which was the Frontpage extension ones, but even then I could not see .htaccess in my directory beforehand anyway. Just postinfo.html and something else with all the other folders. Could it have been when I was trying to install Oxwall Community Software? RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index.php RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_updates/index.php RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/ow_updates/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (/|\.php|\.html|\.htm|\.feed|\.pdf|\.raw|/[^.]*)$ [NC] That's what that part is, ow_updates was a folder in the file, and changed the .htaccess file to go to index.php so it would work?