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Everything posted by petercsoka

  1. Dearest HelioHost. Looks like my donation missing from my account. Can you please link them? Account: omlyx PayPal email: petercsoka+huf@gmail.com Thank you in advance!
  2. Sorry, my bad. My username is omlyx in heliohost (I'm using petercsoka in helionet sorry)
  3. Dear Helio Host, I forgot to sign in to my account and it got suspended, Can u please re-activate it? Server: Tommy Thank you in advance! Peter
  4. Dear Helio Host, I forgot to sign in to my account and it got suspended, Can u please re-activate it? Server: Tommy Thank you in advance! Peter
  5. Hi. Can you please unarchive my account (omlyx) I've forgotten to log in for a while Sorry Thank you in advance! Peter
  6. Hi. Can you please unarchive my account (petercso) I've forgotten to log in for a while Sorry Server: Tommy Thank you in advance! Peter
  7. Thank you very much!
  8. Hi. Can u please unarchive my account (petercso) I've forgot to login for a while Sorry Thank you in advance! Peter
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