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Posts posted by ioixd

  1. The Python script I'm running requires various modules. I've gotten almost all the modules, but there's one I can't seem to install: the PyGt modules.

    If anyone curious: You CAN install modules yourself manually. Most modules are placed in the following folder, on Windows: "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\Lib\site-packages"; you can upload all modules you need from there into the same folder. That being said, this doesn't always work, as evident by this error I got:

    <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>	Python 2.7.5: /usr/bin/python
    A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
     /home/ioixd/public_html/script.cgi in ()
         97 print("Starting thread 3...")
         98 t3.start()
         99 print("thread 3 started")
    =>  101 webview.create_window("Midlii", "https://www.vidlii.com/watch?v=WNVtP9F27cP", width=210, height=380, min_size=(210, 380), debug=True)
    webview = <module 'webview' from '/home/ioixd/public_html/webview/__init__.pyc'>, webview.create_window = <function create_window>, width undefined, height undefined, min_size undefined, debug undefined, builtin True = True
     /home/ioixd/public_html/webview/__init__.py in create_window(title='Midlii', url='https://www.vidlii.com/watch?v=WNVtP9F27cP', js_api=None, width=210, height=380, resizable=True, fullscreen=False, min_size=(210, 380), strings={}, confirm_quit=False, background_color='#FFFFFF', text_select=False, debug=True)
        218         if not _initialized:
    =>  219             _initialize_imports()
        220             localization.update(strings)
        221     else:
    global _initialize_imports = <function _initialize_imports>
     /home/ioixd/public_html/webview/__init__.py in _initialize_imports()
        151             if not try_import(guis):
    =>  152                 raise Exception('You must have either QT or GTK with Python extensions installed in order to use pywebview.')
        154         elif platform.system() == 'Windows':
    builtin Exception = <type 'exceptions.Exception'>

    It seems this specific module requires dependencies, and I can't seem to install them myself.

    Judging by another thread on the forum, one of the staff has to download this module for me. Can somebody do this for me? Thanks.

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