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  1. Thank you very much!!! I had no idea of that condition with header(). It is working now.
  2. It shows me this: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home1/someone/public_html/forum/loginforum.php:15) in /home1/someone/public_html/forum/loginforum.php on line 45 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home1/someone/public_html/forum/loginforum.php:15) in /home1/someone/public_html/forum/loginforum.php on line 46 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home1/someone/public_html/forum/loginforum.php:15) in /home1/someone/public_html/forum/loginforum.php on line 47 script: header( "Location: forum.php" ); I suppose it affects the cookie setting ( setcookie("forumpassword", "$_POST[pass]", time() + 3600); ). P.S. It's nice to get a reply in such a short amount of time.
  3. Hello everyone. I recently opened a website here at heliohost.org. I uploaded all my PHP files. Most of those files contain two basic built in functions: setcookie() & header(), both seem to malfunction. Did anyone else experience this kind of problem? if so, what to do?
  4. Ok, thanks. Even though i have done this before several times and no luck. This time I didn't even get the email.
  5. I did register, I have the email. I did not wait 30 days. I'll try to register again. But every time I register it never activates. And i registered like 10 times.
  6. Hi. I registered to Heliohost a while ago. I waited a lot of time and i can't log in. not via main website, or domain. I tried to use all lowercase for password, but still no luck. please assist username: someone domain: shpedoodle.heliohost.org
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