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Endry Lim

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Posts posted by Endry Lim

  1. we can just use what that is available now by adding new topics and stuffs. When there is a flow of new registered members, then I believe the admin will then consider opening a new forum for that topic or genre. I can see that members here are not very active.

  2. Here, you can get all the information you need if you want to visit Malaysia. I will try my best to provide details of it to you all!






    Only in Malaysia you can see the POLIS using the mobile phone when they enforce the law which forbids people from using the phone when we are driving!

  3. Hey guys! I'm Endry from Malaysia, which is famous for its tagline of Truly Asia and 1 Malaysia. I'm 22 years old in age and currently pursuing my Bachelor (Hons) Degree in Materials Engineering. I'm also a freelance photographer, freelance web designer, event coordinator and also home tutor!


    So that's all about me! If anyone need help in those specific area, you are free to pm me!

  4. Hi all,


    I'm starting this thread for Financial Management because i realised that once a while, my friends and colleague will have complaints in Jobs & Careers which offers a relatively low pay and so on so forth.


    With this in mind,


    I start this topic with these objectives in mind:

    1. For help seekers in financial management

    2. Sharing your own views on this matter or experiences too!

  5. Below is one of my simplified opinion on the characteristic of China Clay which is one of the widely used ceramics in the industry even till now. I beleive that this will all be the root of studies for advanced ceramics.


    China clay

    a) Based on researches done, the composition of this clay amounting to 95% of Kaolinite and only a minimal amount of mica which is 5%. This means that the clay will generate major properties of Kaolinite.

    B) As for the particle size, it is not as fine as the ball clay.

    c) Every clay has its own plasticity level which made them special in their own way. Here, we can see that the plasticity of this clay is way lower compared to ball clay because this type of clay is made up of its own elements more and packed so accordingly which eventually made it difficult and hard to be manipulated.

    d) As this is the ceramic, the cation exchange capacity of this type of clay is very low. The main exchangeable ions are Hydrogen, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and also Potassium.

    e) This type of clay contains no organic matter and furthermore having a less fine grains lead it to have a low unfired strength.

    f) As for its colour, we can see that it is white in raw and fired condition due to the low content of iron oxide in this type of clay.




    1. Hurlbut, Cornelius S., Klien, Cornelis (1985) Manual of Mineralogy 20th edition Wiley. Page 428-430

    2. Deer, W.A.,Howie, R.A and Zussman J (1922) An introduction to the rock forming minerals (2nd edition) Harlow: Longman.


  6. This is what I learned about Baryon. A simplified version from wiki though. A baryon is a composite particle made of three quarks. Baryons are opposed to mesons which are made of one quark and one antiquark. Both baryons and mesons belong to the hadron family, which are the particles made of quarks. Since baryons are composed of quarks, they participate in the strong interaction. Leptons, on the other hand, are not composed of quarks and as such do not participate in the strong interaction. The most well known baryons are the protons and neutrons which make up most of the mass of the visible matter in the universe, whereas electrons (the other major component of atoms) are leptons.

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