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Everything posted by padlock

  1. I didn't send that... I opened an email account for some guys around my vicinity. I have to confront them about this. Sorry for the problems caused.
  2. I get it bro. Padlock was suspended again, I don't know if it was increased to 500 per day I didnt really make use of it but it got suspended.
  3. I donated about $11, I guess bitcoin price went down. Anyways I will donate more when my bank fixes my card issues. Thanks for putting me on tommy.
  4. Is there a way I could move from Johnny to a much better server like Tommy? What are the email rules for Tommy? Thank you.
  5. Okay man. Hotmail did the same as well.
  6. https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/31448-mails-sent-from-johnny-server-are-not-received-by-yahoo/
  7. I noticed mails sent to yahoomail aren't being received. I checked my spam box and I didn't see nothing. Might there be any solutions to this?
  8. I will do that right away.
  9. I was able to donate a little... Would do more later in the month. I wish johnny could deliver to Yahoomail though. Couldn't find messages in the spam box or the inbox.
  10. Okay man, I will make use of the bar code then.
  11. Trying to send some bitcoins but I guess the address is invalid. Could you give me the address again? I will donate more later this month. I just have a little problem with my bank and it will be sorted out really soon. Thank you.
  12. Thank you man. I am very happy to know this. Would do my best to see this wonderful platform grow.
  13. Kindly check my previous post.
  14. There are some things a JAMB candidate can do to ensure he or she has a very high possibility of securing admission. If you are preparing for the upcoming JAMB UTME, read up the factors that will increase your chances of gaining admission by clicking the link below Link No longer interested in emails from link ?. Please click here to unsubscribe
  15. I just need to increase limits without being suspended. I could donate a few bitcoins if there's a need.
  16. Got some errors when I tried to copy and paste.
  17. Good enough, make sure it's included in the newsletters too. cool, would do that.
  18. I have always asked them to unsubscribe from the website. I provide a link for them.
  19. I own a popular school website. I get emails from a list I got from students and parents subscribing to newsletters. The email contains news regarding admission and school news as well. Thank you.
  20. Is there anything I can do to increase that limit? I don't care if it involves money..
  21. a) Padlock johnny c) Padlock.heliohost.org
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