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  1. Thanks for getting back to me, and for unsuspending my account. Are there any logs available that may help me trace the cause of the high server load? As I'm not (to my knowledge) running any automatic programs on the domain, I'm honestly unsure what could have caused the increase in server load. Thanks again.
  2. HelioHost Username: stasi Server: Stevie Domain: stasi.heliohost.org My account was suspended for inactivity during the recent DNS outage. Now that HelioHost.org is once again available, I accessed http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew to renew my account, and got a confirmation that it had been reactivated. However, my site at http://stasi.heliohost.org is still redirecting to the suspension page, and attempting to use the renewal form again now indicates that the site is not listed as inactive. Thank you for your time.
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