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Everything posted by plems

  1. Yes thank you for the tip. I wil be switiching but first i want to donate Some money. Thanks again
  2. Ahh thats a clean explanation thank you. When i get home ill create a moneybookers account. You dont have to pay with creditcard on there right? Thanks again for the service
  3. Hi, Yesterday I requested access to a database.(again thanks for that it's working awsome) I was wondering if i could get access to another database wich serves for my portfolio. DBname = plems_PLPortfolioDB UserName = plems_PieterLems Host = johnny.heliohost.org again thank you in advance, Pieter Lems
  4. Thanks it works ! what is a proper amount to donate for the services?
  5. Hello dear people of helionet, I was wondering if you could provide me with remote acces for the Database: plems_MyElectronicsDB with user plems_PieterLems on server johnny. me and my project group are working on a electronics webshop using asp.NET CORE in combination with Postgres. It would really help and i'm planning on using Helionet in the future for my portfolio website. Many thanks in advance, Pieter Lems
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