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  1. I have created new website webcyclein.heliohost.org with username Basar Please change the domain to webcycle.in And also keep Ricky with that high uptime that is listed on website. Please don't keep testing server rather that Production which has 99.9% uptime I will start the website from scratch or if there's any copy in my PC I will upload that It would be highly appreciated.
  2. Now the Registration Invite Link is showing Expired or Used. Please again again and provide me resolution as soon as possible. I am bit worried about my website. Please and Please take this issue on priority basis
  3. I had my website content on previous account, how can I access that. My full website was hosted there, what can I do now to extract those files
  4. I have checked again and again, the registration is showing webcycle.in is not available
  5. The registration is showing webcycle.in is taken. Please check again
  6. I hope it dosent create problems on my domain authority. I am worried now.
  7. I dont think someone has guessed my password. I think Round Cube is insecure, kindly change this partner in future asap
  8. I will create a new account now and yes I received that email. Thank u
  9. Oh my Gosh, it seems that my account is hacked. I am literally shocked to see such email.
  10. First of all my website is still suspended and it's not working yet. I have checked it on other devices, also cleared the cache. Please check again and unsuspend the account as soon as possible. Secondly I havent used it for sending any types of email. As I remember I have only one email forwarder and haven't created any custom email. And that forwarded email hardly received emails. Please specify which emails so that I can keep a watch in future.
  11. Hello there, It seems that my account has been suspended. To my firm belief neither I have implemented any unethical practice on my website nor overused any resource. My website is basic Web Template which has no server side load. And I haven't used any tools on my website which may prove or exert load on the Server. Hope you Understand Kindly Resume my account as soon as possible. Domain-webcycle.in Server- Ricky Username-webcyclein Thanks
  12. yes its working flawlessly thanks heliohost
  13. My account has been suspended because of inactivity but as I am 100% sure that I had logged in few days back only, probably this week only but still its suspended because of in activity. Please release my account as soon as possible. This would be your most kindness. Account: User-webcyclein website-www.webcycle.in Server- Ricky Heliohost Thanks in Advance
  14. Byron it's working now Excellent thanks
  15. Please release it. Die Hard Fan of Heliohost Web Cycle When I am checking the website, it shows your website is suspended. Please help me HelioHost The problem still presists, please renew my account as soon as possible because after few hours I have to show my website Please and please bear with me
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