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Posts posted by B&W

  1. Thank you Wizard,

    I`ll probably use this feature,


    however - I meant in general - even if the hosting doesnt allow addon domains ... is there really a problem - I dont understand if a domain can be redirected to any URL why should the domain company care if the user`s hosting supports Addon domains or not.


    In example if I have hosting from company "A" and have a subdomain "sub.domain.com" hosted there,

    why would the domain seller (company "B") be interested if A supports Addons, after they can only redirect the domain to the given URL and nothing else.

  2. Hi all,


    I`m not too familiar with the technical part of registration of domains and would like to ask -

    is it possible to have a working domain which is not pointing to any DNS servers, but only redirects to a given url?


    I have tried such configuration on Windows Server OS and it worked fine for me,

    but why in that case the hosting companies always tell me that if the hosting plan itself does

    not support Addon domains it`s impossible to bind a new domain to an existing subdomain without upgrading the hosting plan ?


    Thank you

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