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  1. Thank you very much, i will take a look at it :-) EDIT: I couldnt find anywhere where i could find out what i had to fill in the other fields.
  2. Hi guys, im trying to install umbraco to my mysql but im getting error everytime im trying to connect, some kind of access denied error I don't know exactly which information i need to place where, so i tried guessing a bit. I wanted to know if anyone could help me, explaining which information i need to place where. my database name is:danieldk_nwadata database user is: danieldk_nwauser This is the data i need to fill: 'Umbraco CMS' application name (whaaat?) Website Name (is it my domain?) Physical Path (where is that?) Ip Address: port: Host Name Create new databse or use exiting database Database username Database password Database server database name Any help i appreciated very much!
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