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    Louisville Kentucky

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  1. Thanks , we are good ... now to rebuild...
  2. Also, I am trying to sign back up but it appears your system still sees my domain active so I can not use the domain at this time.
  3. Wow, script kiddy (or adult ) sitting at home with nothing better to do probably. I agree that the WP code is kinda garbage but it was simplified for on the fly changes when ever needed and was easy for my wife to control with little knowledge. Oh well, guess she will have to educated on VBulletin CMPS
  4. Seriously? Now I am wondering how he/she found the login directory considering it did not sit at the wp-login.php ... had to do some work to find that. Guess I am going to go old school then with some VBulletin forums and CMPS interface.
  5. a. your HelioHost username : cbrpics b. the server your account is on : Tommy c. your HelioHost main domain: cbrpics.com I had forgotten to login to the Helionet system after 30 days. Can my account please be un-suspended please?
  6. My IP address 192. 180. 92. 123 During suspension my email account kept prompting for the password and evidently it sent several more times which has my IP address now blocked.
  7. Just had some folks try to see if they could access it, just as a test plus myself. So far it is working well, and I may even check out a few other plugins too for further security. There are a couple for Brute Force attacks that runs the hacker in circles (unless they are smart enough to clear the cache on their pc ) but i think the best method is probably the one I have now considering it changes the entire login direction path.
  8. I got it working, found a plugin called WPS Hide Login , now directs to an unknown hidden directory. If you attempt to go to https://www.cbrpics.com/wp-login.php you will get a Page Not Found notification even for the wp-admin directory is now redirected to the hidden directory. We shall see if this fixes the issue , which in theory should.
  9. Login is disabled for all accounts except the admin account. Please let me know asap when issues arise again. Hopefully this will fix the problem. On a side note, with wordpress I don't think you can fully disable the wp-login.php page as that is the same login page for all accounts including the admin account.
  10. Luigi123 thanks for the information, as soon as I can get access I can disable the login for any clients on the WordPress. Then we can go from there to monitor it to see if anything else is aiding in the cpu and memory load.
  11. Yes I can disable logins once we have access. Primarily we only use one account which manages the entire site. Also, do you think cloudflarw could be causing part of it too since we have them setup to monitor the site?
  12. Hopefully Krydos can get back to us soon, luckily we are not a big site so not a ton of traffic but it still does affect our stats being down.
  13. Yes that is a lot of load, specially when all we are hosting up are for a few clients photos as we are small right now. This was just a starter site for us until the business builds then we are moving off to a dedicated server host as I do not think you all can handle 300gb of space and bandwidth necessary.
  14. Username : cbrpics Server : Tommy Domain: cbrpics.com Just trying to figure out why the account is suspended since the only software we run is wordpress and use cloudflare.
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