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  1. Hi guys So I paid for the vps taking the option of 6 months in advance, if i wanted to upgrade my plan.. how would the payment work? Will I pay the difference for the time i have left on the 6 months... ? Would you be so kind to explain in to me. thank you. Currently i have: memory: 1 cpus: 2 storage: 50gb I would like to upgrade to: memory: 2 cpus: 3 storage: 125gb
  2. I just send you the email from k@rtist.mx hope u get it
  3. Hi, could you please wipe my vps and ONLY install the os - Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS as basic as possible, thank you cr1sk4 vps105
  4. I think I already did, but id krydos will check if everything is correct, that'll be awesome. Thanks
  5. I read before buying the VPS that somehow you could choose OS and CP but I don't find that option. Would you install hestia? this is the username: cr1sk4
  6. I'm sorry I got confused with my password... so I got the message The IP address has been blocked for trying to log in to cPanel with the wrong password too many times. To prevent this from happening again in the future please make sure your username and password are correct. You won't be able to continue to cPanel until an admin unblocks you. To request that your IP be unblocked please visit so here I am, can you please unblocked it? Thanks!.
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