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  1. Clear enough. Thank you.
  2. Thanks, Krydos. Works beautifully Just wondering - why can't I see all the modules in the list by your link? rfc822, for instance, is not there.
  3. Hi.I'd like to get these installed, if possible: urllib2BeautifulSoup 4 (bs4)lxmlrfc822datetime It will be a simple html parser for my personal use. username: ktulxx server: Tommy Python 2.7.5 Thank you.
  4. Ok, it's ktulxx. I'll try to write some lines ) I'm perfectly fine with these two. I do need some, but I'll make another post for that. Thanks for your support. Best regards.
  5. Yeah, I just figured it out too by trying every solution I could find. Strangely there is NOTHING about it in the results if you google for "python 500 error". May be a good idea to add this info into your wiki. How can one know what python libraries are installed on the server? Does Tommy only have Python 3.6? Thanks, Krydos.
  6. my mistake. thanks for that. but I'm still getting the same error.
  7. Hi. I'm trying to get a simple Python script running: #!usr/bin/python3.6 print ("Hello") tried #!usr/bin/python3.6, #!usr/bin/python3, #!usr/bin/python without success. Also tried print "Hello" without parenthesis.the file is chmod 755 and is in the cgi-bin directory. What's wrong? user: ktulxxserver: Tommy. Thanks.
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