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Everything posted by lagagain

  1. I made a backup of WordPress data, then removed it. There is only a HTML file on server, and I am re-designing my website without WordPress.
  2. Ok.... I guess I still used too many resource, so can help me unsuspend agagin? I'm going to replace WordPress with static file(.html file). Username: lagagain Server: johnny Domain: lagagain.heliohost.org
  3. Ok.... I guess I still used too many resource, so can help me unsuspend agagin? I'm going to replace WordPress with static file(.html file).
  4. I fail to login the wordpress, but I will disable some plugin when I login success. (Now connect to DB fail) By the way, if I use CDN like Cloudflare, is it helpful? I already disable some plugins, and made longer backup schedule. If it still use too many resources, please let me know again.
  5. I'm surprised for that my site is suspended. I think I have followed the Terms of Service. I just install WordPress, and as it as my blog. Did I use too many resources or other reason? Can tell me, and help me to unsuspend my website? Username: lagagain Server: johnny (I'm not really sure...) Domain: lagagain.heliohost.org
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