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Posts posted by acrocomu2

  1. I've added a 2 to your forum account name so acrocomu will work for a new account. Let me know once it's created and I'll rename it back.


    Hello and thank you for the change made on the forum account, but moments before your reply I created an account on Tommy server with the username comuacro (when creating it I tried the acrocomu and didn't work so I had to choose another one and a close one is comuacro); I had to create the account fast as the registration window for Tommy is very short.


    I've set in my members area at vbulletin.com the domain name acropolis.heliohost.org, so there should be no problem for the licensing of the forums software.


    Question: Is it possible to please set the PHP version to 5.2 on my account "comuacro"? Checking on Internet, they mention that the old version of vBulletin that I have (3.8.4 Patch Level 2) should work fine on 5.2, in some places mention also 5.3 (but should work better with 5.2).


    I've installed the forums and the Errors on Tommy server appeared; I can't login into my forum admin account nor any user in it; also, the topics can't be seen. I can see that the default versions for PHP and MySQL on Tommy are the same that on Ricky (5.6.30 and 5.6.35) but on Ricky this Errors didn't appear and topics were accessed without errors (except the not being able to download/upload attachments and view images of albums and attachments in the posts of the topics), and on June 12 with this same versions on Ricky server the forums allowed downloading of attachments and visualization of images of albums and in posts.


    It'd be interesting to see if with a lower version of PHP this Errors disappear in the forums for my account on Tommy server.


    I appreciate your help to apply this changes for the lowest possible version of PHP (hopefully 5.2) to see the changes in the behavior of the forums.


    I send you my best regards and thank you very much for your help and service.



  2. Ok. Please keep us updated.


    Also, I would not recommend Johnny for vbulletin. Johnny is extremely slow compared to Ricky or tommy and your software may not work correctly. Johnny is also down quite a bit...



    Johnny also only has one version of PHP to pick from: 5.6.


    I suggest you choose Tommy to do your vbulletin experiments on. If someone was to want to run paid forum software on our servers this is certainly the server they would want due to the high uptime. Let us know if you encounter any errors and we'll do our best to solve them. It would be nice to be able to say that we support well known forum software like vbulletin out of the box without a lot of tweaking.


    Thank You Very Much for all your important information and guide.


    I'll create an account in Tommy very soon using "acrocomu" as username for the account. I used it back in June 10 in Ricky server but deleted that account, and when tried to use it in Tommy server told me that was already used so I had to choose a different one "comuacro" and then when deleted that one and went back to Ricky I had to choose a different one "acroedif" which is also deleted as I deleted that account too.


    ¿Could you please free the "acrocomu" account so that I can use it to create an account in Tommy in the following hours? I'll make a try once is available in about 1 hour.


    I'll be using the same domain acropolis.heliohost.org for the account.


    I'm in process to complete with vBulletin the access to my vBulletin Licenses; they are registered at my mother's name, so tha validation process has been extensive for their security reasons (well based to avoid License stealing). Once I have access to the Licenses I'll set the one with the vBulletin 3.8.4 version with the domain acropolis.heliohost.org for it to be legally used in the heliohost servers.


    I'll reply again in this topic once I've been able to complete the process with vBulletin and also when being able to create the account in Tommy server with username acrocomu.


    I'll ask vBulletin support what is the better PHP and MySQL version to run the 3.8.4 forums.


    My best regards and thank you very much for all your help and support.





    are you trying to use a "warez" copy of vBulletin which has a price of USD$249.00 ( http://www.vbulletin.com/en/purchases ) ??


    most warez software will have issues after some time...

    No one in his/her right mind would post an open question about a software that requires a license, giving a link to his/her web site, if Not havig at least one. I Own Three (3) vbulletin licenses for 3.8.4 version.


    every week or so - in one of the support forums for my hosts - both free and paid - someone will start a thread for support and the Admins will find "nulled" softwere in that account


    vBulletin's license is to use a copy of their softwere with one domain - that domain is included in the license


    you deleted the link http://acropolis.heliohost.org to your site in this thread and deleted your HelioHost account - so I assume you do not have a vBulletin's license for the domain acropolis.heliohost.org




    I've contacted a few minutes ago support@vbulletin.com to ask their help to be able to access my Three (3) Licenses in the vbulletin.com members area, as I can't access it nor my vbulletin.com forums account, as is very probable that they were linked to e-mails in the domains that I owned back until 2012, so it will take some time until I can solve that issue with their help; I actually found that I also bought One License for their Blogs and One License for their Project Tools software.


    It's a good idea to try and solve this as I'll be playing a little more with my forums and I don't want to cause heliohost.org any problem for vBulletin forum Licensing.


    The information of the domain is set in the vbulletin.com members area with the information of the bought License; in there one can set the domain where the license will be functioning. The Domain is not forced into a license as one can change it any moment in the members area.



    Marking solved since the account in question has been deleted.


    I'll be creating a New Account in the following days when I have solved the access to the members area at vbulletin.com for my Three (3) vBulletin Licenses.


    I'll be informing you about this once is solved, to see if I can try the server "Jhonny" with the old account I created back in June 10 "acrocomu" to try the forums there and see if the attachments and album photos work in that server. I'll ask the vBulletin team what is the better PHP and MySQL for the vBulletin 3.8.4 forums, and I'll inform you to see if my account can be set with the versions recommended by the vBulletin Team.


    We don't have a lot of (legal) vbulletin users. People don't usually host $250 software on free hosting.


    Back then I found that the Licenses Cost were $180 and buying together with the Blog and Project Tools the Licenses Cost were $260 (they let the Forums license for $160 and each of the other two for $50).


    In my case, as I'm practically the only one who will be playing (configuring and practicing PHP and MySQL just as a Hobby) with my forums (one of them, the one with version 3.8.4 PL1 with the Blogs and Project Tools), then is very valid to use a Free Service as No commercial benefit will be obtained from it. Who knows, maybe there are some users registered at heliohost.org with a similar situation.


    Thank You very much for bringing to my attention these details, I hope everything can be solved soon.


    My best regards.



  4. We don't have a lot of (legal) vbulletin users. People don't usually host $250 software on free hosting.


    You might ask them via E-mail, just if they are experiencing those issues and if perhaps they know how to solve them (sometimes googling they find someone asking about this problems and solutions and might provide you some ideas of what might me happening); not only vbulletin forums could be affected, maybe other PHP software could be experiencing this too in some of their functionalities, but eventually maybe persons with licensed of free software will report you about that error if they are experiencing it.


    My best regards and hopes.



  5. If it's an old version of vbulletin it may be beneficial to use an old version of php. Both Ricky and Tommy offer 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, and 7.1. That's why I asked what version of PHP you were using.


    I checked a screen capture back on June 12 of my vbulletin admin start page where the PHP and MySQL versions appeared, and are the same ones that appeared on June 16, which are PHP 5.6.30 and MySQL 5.6.35, so the versions are the same in both cases, then something else that was done on the server on June 16 caused that.


    Contact vbulletin forum users on "Ricky" Server, perhaps they might confirm this same issue, and would be good if there are some with old versions (like mine 3.8.x) and new versions (4.x and 5.x) that might inform you about the way the attachments (upload and download not working), and the album images (visualization and use in posts, and upload not working) are functioning in their forums.


    My best regards and Thank You Very Much for the opportunity to use your server resources for Free, otherwise I would'nt be able to Play a little with my old forums.



  6. No settings have been changed on Ricky since June 12th.


    What errors were you getting on Tommy? What version of php are you using?


    It would be a nightmare then to locate the Error on the Server; this same Error occurred many years ago when I had this forums (but with a different domain that I abandoned close to some date on 2012) in a VPS server, and eventually the Admin of the server corrected something and things started to work fine again.


    On Tommy were a lot of PHP Errors the ones that appear on the top of the pages. Those happened also in other occasion back then, and I think were related with the PHP version that was not right for the version of the forums.


    Thank you anyway.


    My best regards.




    are you trying to use a "warez" copy of vBulletin which has a price of USD$249.00 ( http://www.vbulletin.com/en/purchases ) ??


    most warez software will have issues after some time...


    No one in his/her right mind would post an open question about a software that requires a license, giving a link to his/her web site, if Not havig at least one. I Own Three (3) vbulletin licenses for 3.8.4 version.


    The forums were working 100% OK on June 12 (I was able to download attachments and view images on posts and albums fine), and on June 16 they presented the described problem; all details are in the first post and in this one are some more. Something happened on the Server on June 16 that was workinh fine on June 12.



    @bdistler: That was actually my question...most of the vB installs we see here are pirated (which violates our TOS and usually results in suspension for copyright infringement), though this one I wonder about...the copyright info isn't missing like on most cracked ones though, so it's possible it's legit.


    @acrocomu: Can you provide a proof of license for the software?


    Because of this being a Licensed Forum, and as I didn't paid the additional value that was required back then to remove the Copyright text, of course I have to keep the text on the bottom of the page that makes reference to vbulletin.


    It was a very long time ago, I had three (3) web sites back then (it was until 2012 when I dropped/abandoned my domains and didn't renewed them anymore), and I never went back on vbulletin.com (where I accessed with one of the e-mails of the domain that I dropped so it would be a nightmare to try and activate any of those processes there for a hobby project that no one but me is going to access as the forums you saw are not of the interest of anyone but me, not even the persons that inhabit the building it was meant to help them communicate were interested or probably will be in using them, so I'm just hobbying as "solo" for the sake of Fun and remember my old days of PHP and MySQL coding which I enjoyed a lot back then but consumed a lot of time and lot's of working nights as anyone who admin a forum knows).



    So, as I'm not active in vbulletin.com as I don't have a project, and also the e-mail of access to their web site (vbulletin.com) was the one of the abandoned/dropped web site, then it would be difficult to try to contact them and follow a process to gain again access to their web site and the information of the Three (3) licenses, so, it's Not worth the effort, as I explained above is just a Fun "solo" thing, not meant to have any business/commercial use. I have access to vbulletin.org as they allowed non owned domain e-mails to create an account so I have verified that I posted my last Addon support message back in 2012.


    Just rest assured that I Own Three (3) of the vbulletin Licenses; perhaps, if I ever required a commercial/business use of them, I'll look in the CPanel backups that I have with the information of the E-mails of that dropped/abandoned domain, and find that information and follow a process with vbulletin, but Not Now, as I mentioned it's Not worth the effort.


    In order not to make a mess out of something that it's Not of my direct interest, I've deleted the files and database of the vbulletin forum, and I'll delete the account on "Ricky" a few minutes after I post this message. Going into an effort for something that won't have any use for anybody except me, it's Not worth any effort.


    I appreciate a lot the opportunity that you provide to enjoy a CPanel based shared server for Free; your service is Very Good, and I as an Ex-Owner of an Own Server and of a VPS Server know this. Back in 2014 I had the chance to play a little with this same forums for less than 2 months (with the same Complete disinterest from the ones it was meant to help communicate which ignored it and my effort to set them Completely, so that's a warning Not to invest anymore time into this).


    Check your Ricky Server, as something happened and changed from June 12 to June 16, as back on June 12 all the functionalities of my forum were 100% OK, and from June 16 when I uploaded them again (I even made a second effort and followed the exact same process I followed in June 12) they presented the problems mentioned in my first post. I read in another topic that the Admin of the Server Blocked a lot of things that were causing the server to be Overloaded, maybe some things that were Blocked are the ones that are causing this problem, you can read about this on the link below; the load of the server went well (you can tell that on the heliohost archive for June 12 to 15, as on June 16 and after that the loads are just sweet), actually what made me close the Ricky account that I created on June 10 and started using on June 12 was the Overloads on Ricky, but when I created the account on Tommy and experienced all those Huge PHP Errors, and then saw on June 16 that Ricky was working so "Well", then I decided to go back to Ricky but with the mentioned problems that made the vbulletin forum inoperative with attachments and images (they are consulted via php links and not with direct reference to the files on the server) then the expectations to keep hobbying a little more with the forums went down.




    Review this as is likely that other users in Ricky server might be experiencing the same issues; try to contact vbulletin forum users on Ricky and ask them if they are experiencing the same problems that I described, they will confirm if is a Server issue or something else, but I believe something happened to the server after June 16 that it started working without overloads that is causing this malfunction on my vbulletin forum (at least for version 3.8.4 of them).


    I send you all my best regards and Thanks Again for your Great and Very Professional Service.



  7. Hello Heliohost Team.


    I'm having problems with a functionality of my vbulletin forums that was working fine a few days ago on June 12 when I first created an account on "Ricky" server on June 10 named "acrocomu", that I deleted because I wanted to try the faster server "Tommy" on June 15, but on "Tommy" many PHP Errors occurred (I couldn't even login in the vbulletin forums), so I deleted that account and created Today a New one back on "Ricky" server with username "acroedif" where the forums worked fine back on June 12, but when I set them and tried them I found that No album Images on the vbulletin forums Nor any Attachments were being displayed (images) nor being able to download them (files).


    I noticed that since Yesterday, something changed on "Ricky" server as the loads in it went to the green color, perhaps something that the Admin of the server configured or changed in it, but that also for some reason restricted the PHP functionality of the vbulletin forums to be able to upload attachments, download attachments, and visualize images from albums and attachments, that in this forums work with a PHP code/link that the server processes and returns the attachment (to download) and also the image (to view in the internet navigator), to protect the original location of the files in the vbulletin folders.


    I'd appreciate if you could please set the old PHP parameters on my account "acroedif" for it to work as it was working back on June 12 when I could see the images on the Topics/Threads and download the files on the attachments of the Posts of the Topics (and surely also upload them and see the images attached too), and other functionalities that depend on the server being able to process those web addresses with PHP into the files contained in the folders of the server.


    I searched on some vbulletin support pages with google, and in some topics they mention that is a server configuration issue, so this is something that only the Admin of the "Ricky" server can solve, perhaps by configuring the old options that allowed the functionality previously described for vbulletin forums attachments (files and images) and images (of albums).


    Below, are two examples of this.


    The first one is for a topic that contains in it an image, that is an album photo (of some buildings) that back on June 12 were displaying well on that topic, but today are not.


    The second one, is for a topic that has two attached images in it (that are two photos of some buildings, I think one of them is the same one of the above mentioned topic), and they are not showing the images (they should display where some links are now seen) and is also not possible to download them when clicking in them (must have an account in the forums to be able to download them).


    I appreciate your help in the solution of this situation, and I thank you very much for the possibility to test this vbulletin forums in your server "Ricky".


    My best regards to you all.



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