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Posts posted by alobel

  1. Hello, Can you please re-post the deployment log ?

    we added this line

     spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL57InnoDBDialectin application.properties for re-compiling the .war file and managed to deploy the servlet with it. Without this line its deployment fails with errors.However, the application still does not work properly. Apparently the SQL queries are not executed.Would you know if this is the correct hibernate dialect for the MySQL Community Server 5.7.34 ?It is the current MySQL version of 04/2021? Was it recently installed/upgraded on Heliohost?We checked that our MySQL database is correctly served at localhost:3306 , but no numbers are coming through. We would like to understand the issue.

    Thanks for any help with this,



  2. Can you please re-post the deployment log file? We updated the .war file but the Java servlet deployment still fails with errors. We would like to understand the cause for the error.


    In our Java 8 security/java.security file we disabled the TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 references to avoid that they are used by default when we re-compile the .war file. We followed the explanations given in your link above.



    jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, RC4, DES, MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 1024,


    and at the end of this security file we inserted the lines:









  3. I have Java enabled on my account on Tommy. I have a .war file which deploys a web application to a MySQL database and have been able to work with it without problems in the past. However, I noticed recently that after trying to re-deploy the same .war file a number of times I always get the message:  - Java deployment failed with errors. For further information please contact support. - Can you please help? I do not understand why the deployment of the same .war is failing recently. Thanks, Alex


  4. Username: alobel1

    war file in /home/alobel1/brass-db-one.war


    We have removed the Google pie-chart plot of chemical element queries from the jsp code because it breaks the online requests for reasons unclear to us. Although it works fine locally.


    Please deploy once again. This finalizes the deployment of brass-db-one. We will resume development next season.





  5. Username: alobel1

    war file in /home/alobel1/brass-db-one.war


    We fixed the path to one of the controllers in one of our jsp files and reverted back using the original war filename brass-db-one.

    Please deploy again so we can test if the MySQL database queries work.





  6. Hello,


    Username: alobel1

    war file in /home/alobel1/SpringClient.war


    We corrected the max_user_connections issue and tested it fully deploys and runs on our server. Please deploy the revised war file again.


    In case you would see any errors on the stakctrace I would very much appreciate to see a copy of these messages.


    Many thanks in advance,




  7. Hello,


    Thanks for the reply. I'm trying to reproduce the deploy error on my server to understand its source when deploying on Heliohost.


    Can I ask you to look at the very first pages of the the log file and inform if perhaps you see a message of the type:


    2017-04-16 03:35:04.284 ERROR 3521 --- [ main] o.a.tomcat.jdbc.pool.ConnectionPool : Unable to create initial connections of pool.

    com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: User alobel1_Alex already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections

    The tests show the database on Heliohost works correctly and is normally accessible, but perhaps it is due a Tomcat connections problem.


    Thanks for any help with this,


  8. Hello,

    Thanks for this. Can I perhaps ask for a little more feed-back? I would like to understand why the application did not start.

    Please view this link




    with my deployment log when I deploy the war file on my local tomcat server. The second from last line says the application started:

    2017-04-14 11:51:55.061 INFO 12072 --- [ost-startStop-2] be.intecBrussel.app.WebApplication : Started WebApplication in 9.908 seconds (JVM running for 97.433)

    The application.properties file contains the link to the MySQL brass database on heliohost.

    Is the url path correct using localhost:3306 ?


    Could you perhaps forward your application deployment log file or maybe have any idea why it could not start on heliohost?

    Thank you in advance,


  9. Username: alobel1

    war file in /home/alobel1/SpringClient.war


    First deployment of brass_db_one_4.2.war produced a 404 File not found error instead of linking the database online.


    I corrected an error, tested the war deployment on my local machine and it runs fine. Please deploy the revised war file again.





  10. Hello,

    Can I ask to deploy my brass-db-one-4.2.war file on Tommy? The file is located in my HelioHost home directory /home/alobel1/brass-db-one-4.2.war

    It connects to a MySQL database of 51 MiB called alobel1_brass-lines I have uploaded today to Tommy.

    The database contains new atomic line data used for (scientific) astrophysical spectroscopic research. It combines atomic data of spectral lines observed in the spectra of stars like the Sun, Procyon, Arcturus, and other stars. It is part of the BRASS project: The Belgian Repository of fundamental Atomic Data and Stellar Spectra. It will be freely offered to the scientific research community and is also used by the amateur astronomer communities around the world. I have previously developed the public domain SpectroWeb database at spectra.freeshell.org/spectroweb.html

    I am based in Brussels Belgium and would like to test the query response times with a remote server like HelioHost. I very much like your domain name since Helios means Sun.

    The brass-db-one-4.2.war file was compiled with maven on my linux Ubuntu box and runs the local MySQL database queries from localhost:8080 without problems. It uses Java JSP interfaced with the MySQL database at localhost:3306. It is a Springboot web-application. The database is accessed with MySQL JDBC. In case you would need more information I can also forward the pom.xml file.

    We plan the deployment of one upgraded version for the frontend query page in a couple of weeks. The MySQL database will stay limited to below 60 MiB.

    Thank you in advance,
    Alex Lobel


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