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  1. I have erp.zip and databases their please allow me to restore im your old users i know your terms and polices
  2. I dont know maybe my code was venruble and some attacker have uploaded phishing there...... he must have have gain access to sqli query with file_priv() method and have uploaded shell or have bruteforce my cpanel i m sorry for issue caused but i have improtant data their
  3. server = tommy main domain = uzair.xyz heliohost users since 3 yrs
  4. thanks, deleted ! THAT NULLED SCRIPT
  5. Yeah excatly.... Im going to remove it... Unsuspend I use these scripts for testing... coulf u please remove it or unsuspended my hosting
  6. I got again suspended, actually it was due to script i execute..... I found that script i will remove that asap unsuspend please
  7. Please unsuspend Main domain: uzair.xyz Server: tommy Username: uzairjan P.S do tell me reason for suspension so that ij future i will look into it... Is it due to script, bandwidth etc
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