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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2011 in Posts

  1. We apologize for the recent and ongoing downtime of Stevie. We are currently working to bring Stevie back up again. However, we have determined that there may be significant corruption of the server, causing an extended period of downtime. This means that our root administrator will have to investigate and resolve the cause of the downtime before we will be able to bring Stevie back into service. At this point in time, it is difficult to predict when Stevie will be back online, but hopefully it will be relatively soon. Again, we apologize for this extended downtime and hope to restore Stevie into working condition as soon as possible.
    2 points
  2. Of course it's at the colocation center; you can't get 100Mbps connection anywhere else, that is unless you are a rich person or something.
    2 points
  3. Should probably lock this topic, right?
    1 point
  4. in nuclear fusion the matter will be in plasma state. Till now after a thousand or mill year after human existence no one has found a container that can contain the plasma for the fusion to take place. anti matter is some thing which can be seen only for fraction of a second with currently available technology, and it is predicted by many scientist and other philosophers that the appropriate technology for harvesting energy from anti matter will be available in future , if not us may be our next or the subsequent generation may be able to see what it is. thank you helio members for the valuable post and comments i got a lot of knowledge from this post for quiz program conducted in my school and banged the first price. i found out some facts about antimatter and nuclear fusion ans fission in my preparation from the quiz conducted by IIT and KVS .That is what i gave there thinking it will be useful for some else like i did for me. Thank you a lot. Helionet you people can even start a university in future i think if not in computer may be in physics.
    1 point
  5. Nah. The staff got Johnny to take some load off from Stevie. So... technically speaking, thereĀ“s already another server to help Stevie and get some load balance. I rather say Stevie is an old soldier just wishing to make his way back home. By home I mean some nice and quiet shelf, away from gigabit connections or AC plugs. Maybe we can collect some bucks and get her a companion Mac with fine lines so he can enjoy his retirement.
    1 point
  6. Thank you heliohost team.I'm so proud of you, you're so great! But I cannot add addon domain and delete my subdomain for several days. I post the help topic, but it doesn't work.
    1 point
  7. It's been down for quite a while now. I do hope Stevie will be up soon. Good luck to the HelioHost team! I agree with Bill (@animove), you guys all rock! Edit: It's back up! Thanks HelioHost!
    1 point
  8. On behalf of everyone using heliohost, I'd like to thank you all for working so hard. I can't even fathom the size of the problem on stevie, but considering it's been down for hours and hours, I can imagine it's very serious. Thanks for working so hard, guys. I know with a team like helio has, it'll be back up as fast as possible. Bill
    1 point
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